Do you want your vote to count in 2024?
DeSantis and his cronies in Tallahassee are at it again expanding their fascist regime on the people of Florida. Your right to have your vote count and matter along with your right to make your voice heard is at stake.
In May of this year, Governor DeSantis signed Senate Bill 90 into law that impacts millions of Floridians requests to vote-by-mail. To put this into perspective, approximately one-third of citizens in Florida voted by mail in 2022 which impacts approximately 7.5 million of your fellow citizens. This move was based on false claims by the state GOP that this will increase election security despite any evidence of any substantial vote-by-mail fraud.
The ACLU of Florida opposed the measure stating:
“Senate Bill 90 will make it harder for Floridians to cast a ballot by mail.
It will:
- Force voters to submit vote-by-mail requests more often than is currently required, a completely unnecessary administrative hurdle.
- Retroactively cancel voters’ current vote-by-mail ballot requests, meaning a voter who submitted a request last year thinking it was valid through next year’s election will need to submit a new request.
- Make it a crime for voters to ask a trusted friend or caregiver to pick up or drop off a vote-by-mail ballot, limiting voting access for elderly, working, and mobility-impaired Floridians who cannot retrieve or turn in their ballot themselves.
- Eliminate secure vote-by-mail drop boxes, which more than 1.5 million Floridians used during the 2020 Election to safely, conveniently, and securely return their ballot.”
We have put together a step-by-step guide to ensure your vote counts in 2024!
- First, it is always important to check the status of your voter registration. You can register to vote or check the status of your registration on the State of Florida’s Voter Information Search site.
- Each election cycle, voters in Florida will need to submit a new mail-in ballot request. IMPORTANT! This must be completed no later than 5:00 pm on the 10th day before an election.
- Seminole County voters can request their mail-in-ballot online or by calling their offices at 407-585-8683.
- Your request should be processed within 48 hours. Once you receive your ballot, make your selections and don’t forget to Vote Blue!
- Once the ballot is complete, review it for accuracy and mail your ballot.
- You can track the status of your ballot in Seminole County at